Parman Teen Book Review: “The Heir” by Kiera Cass

the Heir The fourth book in The Selection series will not fail to please readers and Cass continues on with the story of Eadlyn Shreave, the daughter of America and Maxon Shreave. Eadlyn is the royal couple’s firstborn, only seven minutes older than her twin brother, Ahren, and will be the future queen of Illéa. Although Maxon and America eliminated rebel activity in Illéa, the country is now at the brink of civil war as several dissenters are dissatisfied with the results of the dissolution of the caste system. In a desperate attempt to stall this unrest, Maxon and America convince the strongly independent Eadlyn to host a Selection of her own to turn public attention away from violence in the country. Eadlyn, who never planned on getting married in the first place, agrees on two conditions: 1) that her suitors are free to leave as they please, and 2) it is very possible that she will end the whole Selection without finding a suitable husband. Maxon hesitantly agrees to her conditions and Eadlyn proceeds with the Selection, counting down the number of months she has left before she will be able to end the process and move forward with her life as princess of Illéa. However, as the Selection begins, Eadlyn begins to realize that sending her suitors home is not as easy as she thought it would be, for she cares about almost each and every one of them individually. Personally, I felt that Eadlyn could be annoying at times, for she is overly condescending towards her maid and the Woodworks. However, through the Selection process she learns about the hardships of people outside of the palace and begins to care about others. Overall, The Heir is a wonderful read for all fans of Kiera Cass and The Selection series. The fifth book in the series, The Crown, will be released May 3, 2016.

Niraja 17, Parman TLLC

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