Archive for Geraldine Brooks

Teen Review: “People of the Book” by Geraldine Brooks

Posted in book review, teen volunteer with tags , , on August 2, 2014 by centraltllc1

When analyzing and conserving a book, the Sarajevo Haggadah, Hanna Heath discovers an insect wing, wine stains, salt crystals, and a white hair. With each small clue, Hanna discovers more and more of the long journey that this small, beautiful book has taken. Alternating between chapters by Hanna and her research on the artifacts and the actual stories behind each one, this story weaves a very intriguing tale of how this book came to be in the hands of Hanna in the condition that it is in. With each chapter, we are taken a step back in history and given a look into many different ages. This was an interesting and historically educating read that had a fast pace, making it unique among historical stories.

Aedan, Central TLLC, 17

"People of the Book" by Geraldine Brooks book cover