Landa Teens : May ’17

It’s the end of the semester and we have been doing All The Things : we started off May by doing our first Suggestion Box event : SLIME part II! It was super goopy goodness. We marbled with acrylics making marbled paper and mugs – perfect for gifting to our moms for Mothers Day – and had a reboot of Ziplock icecream with a Moana sing -a-long.

Our HelloGoodbye Bash (just your typical End of School Year – Landa Closing – Summer Starting Celebration) was pretty awesome, too. We made bots out of LEDs and clay, tried a round 2 of switch-plate decor, ate sooo much pizza and got prepped for summer reading. Oh yeah – we tested out Landa’s green screen too – it was epic.

Alright, that’s it for us –  Happy summer! We’ll see ya in the Fall.   



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