Archive for #encino #august

August @ Encino

Posted in Crafts, Games & Gaming, San Antonio Public Library, teen library services, Uncategorized with tags , , on September 7, 2017 by encinolibraryteens


Encino Teens *brought it* to the teen room in August allowing us to turn up the volume on all our programs before the beginning of the school year. Chef Justin was back from the Food Bank with teens making delicacies from Asia and France. YUM! We continued our video game domination with epic super smash battles and mario kart races. Plus we pulled out some old favorites like Clue, Jenga, and Banagrams to round out our Teen Gaming nights.

We had two final movie nights to finish off summer 2017 featuring the stunning new Beauty and The Beast and the epic King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. Haven’t seen them? We think you should!

Craft time! Y’all know we get crafty up here. This month we tried some new stuff –> printmaking and tie dye! Both came out so awesome!! For our last Teen Tuesday we took our crafting outside making tie dye pillowcases that the teens got to take home. Hilarity ensued when some teens forgot to use gloves and dyed their hands as well as the fabric…. Oh well, tie dye hands are a thing too right? ALSO! We *upgraded* our slime from last month with glittery clear slime. So stretchy and slimy!

Anime Club was full of old and new faces in August, culminating an awesome summer of Anime watching! Teens picked Deathnote, Full Metal Alchemist, Blood Blockade Battlefront, and Punch Line to watch throughout the month.

We know you’re bummed that summer is over and you have to go to school 😦 … BUT! turn that frown upside down and come hang with us in September! More gaming, movies, anime, snacks, crafts and who knows what else coming your way! Help us decide @ the Encino Library!