Archive for #october #pumpkins

October @ Encino

Posted in anime, Crafts, Games & Gaming, Programs, San Antonio Public Library, Teen Fall, Uncategorized with tags , on November 1, 2017 by encinolibraryteens

Encino Teens had a spooktacular October with tons of Halloween themed snacks, crafts, and watchable things. Teen Club was our most festive program with teens painting pumpkins, coloring calaveras, making perler bead witches, pumpkins, and cats, watching  It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (just as good as we remembered from childhood BTW) and making caramel apples. Plus we celebrate Teen Read Week by re-painting the stock poster and we like it a lottttttt more now.  Whew! So much holiday-ness! In other news anime club finished Overlord and Knight’s & Magic and started the simulcast of Kino’s Journey- the Beautiful World. Stay tuned for more about the last one—we’re really enjoying it so far.

Ever spent two hours on a game of Risk? Well Encino teens did this month in our monthly edition of Teen Board Gaming. World domination was sought by all and in the end we decided to carve up the world and each keep a piece (kinda fair right?- PS> I got Europe!). Finally, we watched Wonder Woman herself kick some bad guy butt on the big screen in our Teen Screen program and of course we had more super smash battles with friends cuz it’s our like our favorite video game.

Woah! I almost forgot! Check the last post to see how Encino teens seriously rocked it at our first annual Encino Cosplay Con!! It was the coolest seeing all of our amazing teens (plus a lot of new ones!) come out in their epic cosplays and battle in out in our lipsync competition and costume contest. Thank you to everyone who came out for this!

Join us in November for more exciting stuff including some web-flinging fun with Spider-Man:Homecoming, shrinky dink making, and lots of anime watching!  ❤ Julia