Archive for the Teen Fall Category

October @ Encino

Posted in anime, Crafts, Games & Gaming, Programs, San Antonio Public Library, Teen Fall, Uncategorized with tags , on November 1, 2017 by encinolibraryteens

Encino Teens had a spooktacular October with tons of Halloween themed snacks, crafts, and watchable things. Teen Club was our most festive program with teens painting pumpkins, coloring calaveras, making perler bead witches, pumpkins, and cats, watching  It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown (just as good as we remembered from childhood BTW) and making caramel apples. Plus we celebrate Teen Read Week by re-painting the stock poster and we like it a lottttttt more now.  Whew! So much holiday-ness! In other news anime club finished Overlord and Knight’s & Magic and started the simulcast of Kino’s Journey- the Beautiful World. Stay tuned for more about the last one—we’re really enjoying it so far.

Ever spent two hours on a game of Risk? Well Encino teens did this month in our monthly edition of Teen Board Gaming. World domination was sought by all and in the end we decided to carve up the world and each keep a piece (kinda fair right?- PS> I got Europe!). Finally, we watched Wonder Woman herself kick some bad guy butt on the big screen in our Teen Screen program and of course we had more super smash battles with friends cuz it’s our like our favorite video game.

Woah! I almost forgot! Check the last post to see how Encino teens seriously rocked it at our first annual Encino Cosplay Con!! It was the coolest seeing all of our amazing teens (plus a lot of new ones!) come out in their epic cosplays and battle in out in our lipsync competition and costume contest. Thank you to everyone who came out for this!

Join us in November for more exciting stuff including some web-flinging fun with Spider-Man:Homecoming, shrinky dink making, and lots of anime watching!  ❤ Julia

September @ Encino

Posted in Teen Fall, teen library services, Uncategorized with tags , on October 1, 2017 by encinolibraryteens


What’s up September/Fall/Autumn! Encino Teens have had a spectacular September with the arrival of a new program and the continuation of some oldies but goodies. Our inaugural teen board gaming (a program made by and for Encino Teens!) kicked off this month with gamers playing clue, emoji uno, and the resistance. We had so much fun guessing who was a spy and who was a part of the resistance. Fun fact- it’s hard to keep a straight face during this game :O

 Teen club this month was action packed and filled with varied gaming and craftiness. We kept up our perler bead artistry and made some cool stuff with modeling clay. Encino Teens had a special visit from *BABY GROOT* for teen screen this month!! Who came all the way from somewhere in the nine realms to watch himself kick some butt on the big screen in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

September’s weekly anime club has been keeping the drama and comedy high with screenings of Gurren Lagann and Punchline. And because we know you care about our snack game — we also managed to munch on some cookies and candy this month as well as slurp some smoothies.

Come join us in October for Halloween inspired programs and our epic ENCINO COSPLAY CON happening on Saturday, October 21st from 2 to 5. Wear your best costume, come hang out with fellow cosplayers, win prizes and make some crafts!



Landa Teens – October edition

Posted in Library Programs, San Antonio Public Library, Teen Fall with tags on November 2, 2016 by landalibraryteens

October had Landa Teens Chalking It Out, Painting It Up, and Cooking For All. We are learning new ways to Create – the best are those we share with others, and also ones which include snacking. Lots of snacking.   

Posted in Library Programs, news know-how, Programs, San Antonio Public Library, Teen Fall, teen volunteer with tags , on August 14, 2014 by Cody Teens

Grunge sponge here just letting you guys know that the cody library podcast is up and running. Please comment any suggestions or even playlists.
Stay golden.

Teen Tutoring-Tie Dye Shirts

Posted in Library Programs, Programs, Teen Fall, Teen Summer 2012, Uncategorized on July 22, 2012 by landalibraryteens

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Today Landa Teen Leadership Council finished their “uniforms” for their tutoring sessions. Last Saturday, we tie-dyed four shirts in the Landa Gardens. Today we completed them with a quote from author Ben Sweetland, “We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.” We hope to have a good turnout to our first tutoring session (ages 4-11 years) on August 4th (Saturday) at 10 am! If you know anyone interested in the tutoring service, you can email .

-Hana 15, Maddie C. 15, Maddy.16, and Nabil, 14

Landa Teen Library Leadership Council

Teens Needed!

Posted in Library Programs, Teen Fall, Teen Summer 2012, Uncategorized on July 11, 2012 by landalibraryteens

The Landa Teen Library Leadership Council is tutoring children ages 4-11, and we would like your help!  You can tutor in any subject and you will receive community service hours!  Landa Teens will be advertising the program soon, and it may take a while for the word to get out, but hopefully after a couple of weeks, tutoring will be extrememly popular at Landa! 

The first tutoring day will be on Saturday, August 4, from 10:am- 11:30am.  After several weeks, we will take a short break to plan for tutoring during the school year.  Sunday, September 9  is the day we have planned for the first day of tutoring during the school year, from 3:oopm- 4:30pm.  We would really appreciate your help, and if you know anyone who’d like to review before school or needs help during school, tell them to come to Landa Library!

If you’re interested or have any questions regarding tutoring, please contact Beatrice Canales  at: or leave a message at Landa Library at 207-9090.—Maddie, 15

Cubee Activity In A Box [] @ Landa

Posted in Crafts, Teen Fall, Uncategorized on October 2, 2011 by landalibraryteens

I enjoyed doing the cubee activity.  There was a wide range of characters to choose from.  Also, I like that we didn’t need glue or tape.  I think it made the activity a lot cleaner, and hassle-free.  The cubees were simple to construct, and they came out very nicely. – Maddie, Landa Teen Advisory Grp Volunteer

Landa Teens Voted Online & Chilled Outside!

Posted in Teen Fall on September 15, 2011 by landalibraryteens

We voted @ the website for our favorite, top 3, teen books for Teen Read Week.We hope our favs win. We walked outside, chilled at the new playground with ice cream cones while we took pics on the veranda deck.

Landa Teen Scene Fall 2011 theme ideas

Posted in Teen Fall on July 17, 2011 by landalibraryteens

Ready for some teen-inspired theme ideas for this fall? Landa Teen Scene thought of the following: Oceania, Jaws, Surf & Turf, Surf’s Up, Beach Scene, Pandemonium, Children of Poseidon.

The Zombie Threat: Read the Signs

Posted in Library Programs, Teen Fall on October 27, 2010 by carverlibraryteens

A zombie informational system has been put in place at Carver, with help from Volunteers.

Study this carefully.

Study this carefully. It could save your life.

A Teen Volunteer approves this message.

Pondering the implications of invasion and survival.