Archive for the Crafts Category

Landa Teens : March

Posted in Crafts, Library Programs, San Antonio Public Library, teen library services, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on April 8, 2017 by landalibraryteens

March had Landa Teens making Thrift TShirt Pillows, Tech Week LED Throwies, Tie Dye to dye for 😉, Cooking Club- making Lemonade, arting out to PI Day, and the very early beginnings of our Teen Night Suggestion Box – reveal tba. Whew. It was awesome and we are ready for April! 

Landa Teens, Hello 2017

Posted in Crafts, Games & Gaming, Library Programs, San Antonio Public Library with tags , , , on February 9, 2017 by landalibraryteens

<<<<Teens greeted the new year by hanging out in their typical no -drama style  >>>>

 [taking over the teen space to play exploding kittens ] exploding-kitten-corps

{watching movies and making art} 

tape-spin-art-1        tape-spin-art-3

[ making balloon animals (?!) ]

{and hacking mad science to create the most satisfying slimes}



Landa Teens : bye-bye ’16

Posted in Crafts, Library Programs, San Antonio Public Library with tags , , , , on January 6, 2017 by landalibraryteens

Landa Teens rocked out the last month of the year with Teen Nights  inspired by the Mayor’s Book Club – we took way too many pics and listened to records brought from home (yep, actual LP records. Queen Forevah!),  Playdough part 2 – we helped make playdough for Landa’s Winterfest and  of course had a batch for ourselves, crafted for Dr. Wholiday with Cookies & Youtube Who-a-thons, Made displays in the Teen Area, and of course Cooking Club – pizza from scratch.  Whoa, ya’ll. Whoa. And so much more to come in 2017  🙂 . 

Encino Teen Time

Posted in Crafts, Library Programs with tags , on December 15, 2016 by encinolibraryteens

Welcome to Teen Time at Encino with your new host, Julia! I am so excited to be here with the coolest teens ever! We began the night with the goal of decorating the teen room for the holidays and celebrating the Mayor’s Book Club Fall book selection. Teens helped cut snowflakes made from old comic books and manga, munched on some candy, and we got to use our new Fugifilm Instax to take pictures. We also listened to some Christmas music and watched some Youtube videos. With the pictures on the wall and the snowflakes on the window the teen room is looking mighty cheery!

Landa Teens – Summer Science

Posted in Crafts, San Antonio Public Library, Science with tags on August 4, 2016 by landalibraryteens

July had Landa Teens learning a few super green, super unique Science Skills – creating newspaper planters for starter plants to contribute to Landa’s community garden, using Science (!) to make tasty homemade ice cream, and even crafting our very own, fully functioning, pretty adorable pencils!


Getting Crafty! (02/15/16)

Posted in Crafts, Library Programs, Programs, San Antonio Public Library, teen library services with tags , , , , , , , on March 1, 2016 by igolibraryteens

Crafty 1Crafty 2Crafty 3Crafty 4Crafty 5Crafty 6Crafty 7

Craft Night at Thousand Oaks

Posted in Crafts on February 26, 2015 by thousandoakslibraryteens

Thousand Oaks Teens had a great time creating bendy people tonight, but even more fun was making a movie with them!

We made bendy people out of pipe cleaners, with beads and straws, then used them to create a short stop motion movie on the iPad.

Join us on Wednesdays, from 5 to 7 pm.

So. Much. Fun.

Igo Teens Gone Crafty!

Posted in anime, Crafts, Manga, Manga & Comics, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on March 10, 2014 by igolibraryteens

Those who skipped kindergarten and developed neither the fine motor skills nor tolerance for mindless violence
have devoted their time to artistic endeavors such as this :craft1

craft3craft 4

Game Fest at Igo

Posted in Crafts, Games & Gaming with tags , , , on September 11, 2013 by igolibraryteens

On Saturday, August 10, Igo teens hosted an event which vaguely included cherries, oranges, grapes, and ghosts. No, we weren’t eating various types of fruits and telling ghost stories. Instead, we wore multi-colored hats and pretended to eat dots. Before a competitive contest of let’s-see-who-can-keep-the-feather-in-the-air-the-longest, teens faced off in a grueling battle of “life sized Pac Man” that wasn’t really life sized at all. It was HUMAN SIZED. Teens competed a number of different challenges for prizes that ranged anywhere from a free cookie coupon from Jason’s Deli to a gift card to Barnes & Noble.

The game fest was held in the teen room at Igo Library, where video games and crafts like face painting, keychains, SUPERSMASH Bros, and mosaics, were scattered between different tables around the room. Kids from different libraries such as Cody,  Maverick, Semmes,  Parman,  and Great North West came to join in on the fantastical wonder of  Igo, and the teens from Cody even began working on the Rube Goldberg machine,  where they designed a not-so-high-tech machine that transferred a rolling ball from one end of the room to another. The project is still a work in progress, and they’re working to fix the problems that occurred during the fest.

By the end of the day, teens sulked home with smeared paint wiped across their faces, a heavy wallet full of cookie coupons to a sandwich shop, and bellies full of free, unhealthy ( but so tasty) pizza.   All in all, the game fest was a fun break from worrying about upcoming AP classes and a backpack full of essays and pencils.

Pictures are coming soon!!!

Abbie Boyer, 15 Igo Teen

IGO Anime Art Competition

Posted in anime, Comics, Crafts, Manga, Manga & Comics, Programs, San Antonio Public Library with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2013 by igolibraryteens

IGO OTAKU cracks

So before school ended last school year, Igo library had an  Anime  Art Competition that occurred concomitantly with the Annual Igo  Anime Festival. The winner was actually yours truly , (by the way, I’d like to thank my parents for giving birth to me, my art teachers for building my hubris through flattery, and the public education system for supplying said art teachers) and my artwork is attached here:

Imperial (small_

I hadn’t drawn this specifically for the purpose of entering the contest, it was just on hand when I saw the advertisement, and I thought, what the heck.

I thought it was a small competition with only a couple of entries at first, but wow was the competition fierce. There were 48 entries from nine different high schools across San Antonio. The other contestants were truly talented; it must have been a hard decision for the judges.

Here are a couple of the many other entries:


This artist is phenomenal. He entered several drawings, but I have a penchant for this one in particular. It’s very dark and edgy, with an almost macabre feel. I love the contrast between dark and light, I think adding color would actually lessen the wow factor of this piece.



This next artist is actually a part of IGO Otaku:


And a couple more,






Yep. Young people these days are so talented, especially on topics they are passionate about.

The prize was a wonderful and well appreciated surprise too.
The bundle of goodies was stacked neatly in a pile, with twine wrapping it in place.

It had a DVD of Cardcaptors Sakura on the bottom, then a manga, a Barnes and Nobles gift card, a box of pocky, and a small hand made bag.

That’s enough incentive to compete next year.

Melanie, 15 Igo TLLC